
Sorry, this entry is only available in French.

Rendez-vous au Däichhal à Ettelbruck pou un rendez-vous 100% moto!

Entrée gratuite.

En savoir plus

Wäikues – Foire aux vins

Luxembourg’s independent winegrowers, in collaboration with the Ettelbruck City Tourist Office, are unveiling their finest products at the famous Waïkues. Discover the great Luxembourg wines and crémants at the wine fair at the Däichhal. The wine fair is open from 16.00 to 21.00 hrs.

Price per tasting glass: €15

Kiermesbal um Äschenhiwwel

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Venez nombreux pour une soirée inoubliable remplie de rythmes endiablés, de mélodies envoûtantes et de moments de partage !


Entrée gratuite à partir de 18 heures.

Vëlosdag am Däich

The 3rd “Vëlosdag am Däich”, organised by the Sports and Youth Commission, will be held on 16 March 2024, featuring a second-hand bike market, pumptrack, charity-spinning, the Youth Cup and much more.

Free participation in the second-hand bike market: Register now!

Charity-spinning (participation fee: €5): Register now!