Learn about flood risk!
Ettelbrück/Alzette: 24556-807
Ettelbrück/Wark: 24556-822

The Water Management Administration has developed new maps about flooding and related risks. Maps are available at the sites below and displayed in the Salle des Fêtes at City Hall in Ettelbruck where you can view them until 17 September 2019.
Written comments may be made submitted until 17 September 2019
- with the College of the Mayor and Aldermen, which forwards them to the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, or
- by email to inondables@eau.etat.lu, or
- by the “Feedback” function on geoportail.lu, or
- by post to the following address:
Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development
Flood zone maps
L-2918 Luxembourg
Maps are available at the following sites:
- waasser.lu
- emwelt.lu
- geoportail.lu (Environment, Biology and Geology > Flood Directive (DI) Tab)
Our Buildings and Urban Planning Department is at your disposal for more information (Ms Hermes 81 91 81 – 452)
Useful Links: http://eau.geoportail.lu/ www.inondations.lu