Technical Services
3, place Marie-Adélaïde (Maartplaz)
L-9063 Ettelbruck
Tel.: 81 91 81 453
Opening hours:
8:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and
1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Please note that the employees of the Technical Service are unable to answer all telephone calls as a large part of their work consists of work on the various construction sites of the City of Ettelbruck. In case of absence, please leave a message at the call centre (81 91 81 – 453) or use the contact form.
In addition to coordinating the various administrative and technical services, the Technical Service also has the task of:
- the gas network
- urban heating
- the organisation of the City Bus
- and traffic regulations.
Gas network
Since 2009, natural gas transportation and distribution has also been part of Creos’ core business. The natural gas network today spans over 1,800 km with 45,000 connections.
The City of Ettelbruck is served with natural gas by Creos.
Maximilian SCHMIDT
Tél. : 26 24 34 71
Monday to Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 9.00 a.m.
Urban heating
Entry of a connection request by the requestor
- Entry of a connection request by the future customer (pre-printed form) at least 1 week before the start of the works
- Visit to the premises by a City official for the purpose of determining the connection route
- Establishment of a heat supply contract between the City and the customer
- Making the connection to the urban heating network
- Installation and connection of the transfer station to the primary and secondary circuits by an approved installer
- Facility Completion Information
- Commissioning of the installation
Entry of a connection request by the applicant (Pre-Printed Form):
The connection request provides the essential elements for the connection design (contact information of the requestor, installer responsible, heating power to be connected, temperature regimes, flow rates, etc.)
Visit to the premises by a City official with a view to determining the connection route:
The visit to the premises of the building to be connected allows the City agent to define the connection route in mutual agreement with the customer.
Establishment of a heat contract between the City and the customer:
In the event that the customer agrees to the connection to urban heating, a heat supply contract is entered into between the City and the customer. This contract sets the terms of the supply of heat (Access to equipment, power, prices, payments, count, etc.)
The heat supply contract signed by the College of the Mayor and Aldermen is sent to the customer for agreement and signature.
A copy of the heat supply contract countersigned by the customer must be returned to the City Technical Department.
Making the connection to the urban heating network:
The City is responsible for making the connection to the network from the limits of the building to be connected to the main lines.
- During the installation of the main pipes, civil engineering costs are borne by the City.
- After completion of the installation of the main pipes, all civil engineering costs are the responsibility of the customer.
For details, please see art. 9.2 “Price for connection” of the heat supply contract.
- Installation and connection of the transfer station to the primary and secondary circuits by a licensed installer:
The customer charges an authorised installer of their choice with installing the transfer station and making the primary and secondary connections.
The installer must strictly comply with the technical conditions established by the City for making the connection in order to guarantee the proper functioning of the heat supply.
The City carries out a check to determine if all technical conditions have been met.
Installation completion information:
When the installer has completed the connections as well as the heat supply station, they inform Industrial Services in order to schedule an appointment to perform the installation of the heat meter.
Commissioning of the installation
The commissioning of the heat supply will be carried out by the City in the presence of the installer and a representative of the customer.
The customer will receive monthly, from the date of commissioning, an invoice for the supply of heat.
City Bus
The City Bus was established on 1 June 1996 to improve the quality of life of citizens. Currently there is one bus line: “Line 2 Lopert”. The Warken 1 line has been replaced by Nordstadbus 509 since 29 May 2017. Line 509 runs between Gilsdorf and Warken while line 512 runs between Ettelbruck and Colmar-Berg.
Traffic regulations
The Technical Department issues traffic regulations for worksites in the city in compliance with the municipal traffic regulations.