Industrial services

Industrial services

118, rue de Warken
L-9088 Ettelbruck

Tel.: 81 91 81 238

Opening hours

8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Plus d’informations

Please note that Industrial Services employees are unable to answer all telephone calls, since much of their job involves working on the various work sites in the City of Ettelbruck. If there is no one available, please leave a message at the central office (81 91 81 – 238) or use the contact form.


Industrial Services are responsible for the connections to the water and electricity networks, the installation of electricity, water and urban heating meters, the installation and maintenance of street lighting, the medium and low voltage electricity network, the drinking water network, the maintenance of municipal vehicles and those of the fire department and the installation and maintenance of road signs and parking meters.

Outside office hours:

Electricity, Water, Sewers : 81 91 81 888


List of suppliers eligible for energy recovery under the amended Grand Ducal Regulation of 1 August 2014:

NordEnergie S.A.



The reference level allocated to each user will be indicated on invoices issued by suppliers and will be accessible directly via the online customer area:

The new price list and the adapted service catalogue are published on the Ettelbruck website in the usual place.


Drinking water testing history